1 See, Christians, see, how time steals on,
Soon will set life's sinking sun;
Like to the gleams of closing day,
Fade these fleeting hours away.
Then up, let us toil, till our toilings are o'er,
Till we shall be borne to eternity's shore;
Our final summons having come,
How sweet the Christian's welcome home!
Home, home, home, the Christian's welcome home!
Sweet, oh! sweet the Christian's welcome home!
Welcome home! welcome home! welcome home!
2 See how the shades of death come nigh,
Blissful shades when Christians die;
They mark the path our Saviour trod,
Dying saints to waft to God!
Then up, fellow Christian, let mourning be o'er,
Rejoice in thy Saviour, rejoice evermore!
Our angel convoy having come,
How sweet the Christian's welcome home!
Home, home, home, the Christian's welcome home!
Sweet, oh! sweet the Christian's welcome home!
Welcome home! welcome home! welcome home!
Source: The Minstrel of Zion: a book of religious songs, accompanied with appropriate music, chiefly original #44