The Great Endeavor Army

Representative Text

1 See that mighty host advancing
At the gracious King's command;
'Tis the great Endeavor army
Marching on to save our land!
On they come with hope and courage,
In the joy and strength of youth;
They are sure to be victorious,
For their cause is that of Truth.

See that mighty host advancing
At the gracious King's command;
'Tis the great Endeavor army,
Marching on to save our land!

2 Jesus leads this glorious army,
And no foe have they to fear;
While they trust their great Defender,
While to Him they follow near.
Love's the banner floating o'er them,
And God's Word their sword of might;
See, the hosts of sin and darkness,
Flee before that army bright! [Chorus]

3 Oh, how glowing are their faces,
And how joyful is their song!
Ever praising their great Captain,
As they bravely march along.
Hail the great Endeavor army!
In its ranks today there stan
Future leaders of our nation,
Who shall rule and bless our land. [Chorus]

Source: Best Endeavor Hymns: especially for use in Christian endeavor societies, young people's meetings, Sunday schools, and general church work #128

Author: Maud Frazer Jackson

Maud Frazer Jackson USA 1873-1950. It is surmised she lived in PA and/or NJ. She was a religious author, poet, and music compiler, who published her collections of music, including 400 hymns called “Hymns about forgiveness!”, “Wayside Song” (1922), and “Starlight & lamplight” (1928). Her poems were sometimes furnished to newspapers around the country and printed. John Perry  Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: See that mighty host advancing
Title: The Great Endeavor Army
Author: Maud Frazer Jackson
Language: English
Refrain First Line: See the mighty host advancing
Copyright: Public Domain


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Best Endeavor Hymns #128

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