1 “Seek the Lord and ye shall live,”
Seek the Lord and he’ll forgive;
Seek Him, sinner, as you are,
Seek the Lord in earnest prayer;
“Seek the Lord and ye shall live,”
Seek Him, for He will receive
Wretched, helpless, poor and blind,
Seek the Lord and ye shall find,
Seek the Lord and ye shall find.
2 “Seek the Lord and ye shall live,”
This your pray’r, “I do believe;”
Seek Him early, now, today,
Seek the Lord without delay;
“Seek the Lord and ye shall live,”
Burdened souls he will relieve;
Weary pilgrims seeking rest,
Find it, leaning on His breast,
Find it, leaning on His breast.
3 “Seek the Lord and ye shall live,”
He is seeking you to save;
Now He’s calling, hear Him cry!
Seek Him not, and ye shall die!
“Seek the Lord and ye shall live,”
O do not His spirit grieve;
Seek Him now and by and by,
He will take you home on high,
He will take you home on high.
Source: The Helper in Sacred Song: for Sunday-schools, churches, and devotional services #29