1 Sight, hearing, feeling, taste and smell,
Are gifts we highly prize;
But these may downward lead to hell,
While faith to heaven doth rise.
2 More piercing than the eagle's sight,
Faith views the world unknown:
Surveys the glorious realms of light,
And Jesus on the throne.
3 It hears the mighty voice of God,
And ponders what he saith;
His word and works, his gifts and rod,
Have each a voice to faith.
4 It feels the touch of heavenly power,
And from the boundless source,
Derives fresh vigor every hour
To run its daily course.
5 The truth and goodness of the LORD
Are suited to its tasks;
Mean is the worldling's pampered board,
To faith's perpetual feast.
6 Till saving faith possess the mind,
In vain of sense we boast;
We are but senseless, tasteless, blind,
And deaf, and dead, and lost.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799