1 Since I have plac'd my trust in God,
a refuge always nigh,
Why should I, like a tim'rous bird,
to distant mountains fly?
2 Behold, the wicked bend their bow,
and ready fix their dart,
Lurking in ambush to destroy
the man of upright heart.
3 When once the firm assurance fails,
which public faith imparts,
'Tis time for innocence to fly
from such deceitful arts.
4 The Lord hath both a temple here
and righteous throne above;
Whence he surveys the sons of men,
and how their councils move.
5 If God the righteous, whom he loves,
for trial does correct;
What must the sons of violence,
whom he abhors, expect?
6 Snares, fire, and brimstone, on their heads,
shall in one tempest show'r;
This dreadful mixture his revenge
into their cup shall pour.
7 The righteous Lord will righteous deeds
with signal favour grace;
And to the upright man disclose
the brightness of his face.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship #XI