1. Sinners, your hearts lift up,
Partakers of your hope!
This, the day of Pentecost;
Ask, and ye shall all receive;
Surely now the Holy Ghost
God to all that ask shall give.
2. Ye all may freely take
The grace for Jesus’ sake;
He for every man hath died,
He for all hath risen again;
Jesus now is glorified;
Gifts He hath received for men.
3. Blessings on all He pours,
In never-ceasing showers;
All He waters from above;
Offers all His joy and peace,
Settled comfort, perfect love,
Everlasting righteousness.
4. All may from Him receive
A power to turn and live;
Grace for every soul is free;
All may hear the Spirit’s call;
All the light and life may see;
All may feel He died for all.
5. Father, behold, we claim
The gift in Jesus’ name!
Now the promised Comforter
Into all our spirits pour;
Let Him fix His mansion here,
Come, and never leave us more.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6097