1 Sins of years are all numbered,
Blackest stains brought to light,
Broken pledges uncovered,
None escape from his sight.
Unwashed hearts are rejected,
Guilty souls rise alone,
When you stand in the light
Of his great judgment throne.
While the light from Heaven is falling,
Sins reproving, wants revealing,
While redeeming grace is flowing,
He can wash your sins away.
2 All the past with its chances,
All the ‘what might have been’,
Each encounter with evil
He had meant you should win;
How you’ll wish you’d gone forward,
Loving Jesus alone,
When you stand in the light
Of his great judgment throne!
3 Ransomed sinners of all kinds,
Trembling followers as well,
With their robes surely blood-washed,
They shall come forth to tell
Of the battles fought bravely,
Of the victories won,
As they stand in the light
Of his great judgment throne.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #893