1 Some day I shall hear God's call of love,
Calling to the land of endless day;
I shall then be with my Lord above.
Some day! Some day! When the shadows flee away.
Some day when the shadows flee away,
Sorrow shall be o'er,
Care be known no more;
Some day when the shadows flee away!
Some day! Some day!
When the shadows flee away.
2 Soon that dawn eternal shall appear,
When shall come the end of life's dark way;
I shall be with loved ones I hold dear.
Some day! Some day! When the shadows flee away. [Refrain]
3 Some day toil and care of life shall cease,
In that land my Lord shall have full sway;
Naught can mar its wondrous joy and peace.
Some day! Some day! When the shadows flee away. [Refrain]
4 Tears and sighs forever overpast,
In that land illumined by His ray;
Cloud of sin can never overcast.
Some day! Some day! When the shadows flee away. [Refrain]
Source: Inspiring Hymns #515