1 Some day my Saviour I shall know,
As now I know Him not;
And follow Him in perfect faith,
Free from all fear and doubt.
Some day, some brighter, better day,
Just on before,
My Saviour’s image I shall wear,
And love Him more and more.
2 Some day my peace shall deeper be,
And purer love be mine;
And all the light and joy of heav’n
Within my soul shall shine. [Refrain]
3 Some day, O longed-for, happy day!
Discordant notes will cease,
And bells of joy chime thro’ my soul
The song of heav’nly peace. [Refrain]
4 Some bright, glad day, not far away,
My heart will love Him so,
That life will be a Paradise,
A heav’n begun below. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #55