1 Somewhere along the way you may grow weary,
Somewhere along the road the tears may start;
But God will take your hand and walk beside you,
he understands the human heart.
Somewhere along the way God's love will guide you,
He'll take you by the hand and lead you on;
When shadows come your way,
he'll meet you,
Somewhere along the way t'ward home.
2 Somewhere along the way you may grow lonely,
When loved ones gather home beyond the blue;
But Jesus is the Lily of the valley,
That blooms beside the tomb for you. [Refrain]
3 Somewhere along the way the night is falling,
Along the homeward trail our steps will wend;
And somewhere on the margin of the river,
He waits to walk beside you then. [Refrain]
Source: Melodies of Love #135