1 Somewhere is waiting a blessed work
That only your hand can do;
Work that the Master in wisdom planned,
And placed in this world for you.
Search for it, find it! God’s holy work;
It never is far away;
Find it by doing with heart and soul
The duty that calls today.
2 Duty may bring you to heights of fame,
Or lead to some lowly vale;
Either will yield you a golden crown;
Then never despair nor fail. [Refrain]
3 Whether you toil in the busy world,
Or brighten some humble place,
Blessed the work of the Master will be,
And rich His abundant grace. [Refrain]
4 Somewhere is waiting—oh, slight it not—
The work that you best can do;
Seek thro’ the pathway of faith and prayer
The mission God meant for you. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #45