Scripture References:
st. 1 = Jon. 2:14
st. 2 = Jon. 2:5-6
st. 3 = Jon. 2:7-9
st. 4 = Matt. 12:40 1 Cor. 15:20-28 Rom. 8:9-11 Rev. 1:17-18
Paraphrasing Jonah 2, Calvin Seerveld (PHH 22) wrote "Song of Jonah" in 1982 for the Psalter Hymnal. Long-known in medieval liturgies as one of the "lesser" Old Testament canticles, Jonah's song is a psalm of thanksgiving similar in literary form and theme to Psalms 18, 30,116, and 138, to give just a few examples. Jonah recalls his prayer for help to God, testifies that God answered his prayer and rescued him from drowning (st. 1-2), and honors his vow to praise and thank the LORD (st. 3). Seerveld also included a fourth stanza to capture New Testament references related to the Jonah story, especially in terms of the death and resurrection of Christ: Matthew 12:38-40; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28; Romans 8:9-11; and Revelation 1:17-18.
Liturgical Use:
Worship services focusing on Jonah; Easter Vigil; Easter Sunday.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook