1 Sound aloud the wondrous story,
Jesus died upon the tree;
As we onward march to glory,
Jesus died upon the tree.
Sinners of the deepest dye,
Who the God of love defy,
Unto you we’re sent to cry,
Jesus died upon the tree.
2 Yes, lost one, it was for you,
Jesus died upon the tree;
Oh, what love—how deep, how true,
Jesus died upon the tree.
See Him there, the spotless One,
See the blood which doth atone,
Hear Him cry, “’Tis done!” “’Tis done!”
As He died upon the tree.
3 Sinner, you have heard the story,
Jesus died upon the tree;
And you fain would meet in glory
Him Who died upon the tree.
Then on Christ just now rely,
Ere in judgment He pass by,
And no more you’ll hear the cry,
Jesus died upon the tree.
Source: Evangelistic Songs #60