Splendor and Majesty

Representative text cannot be shown for this hymn due to copyright.

Author: Ralph Merrifield

(no biographical information available about Ralph Merrifield.) Go to person page >

Author: Leonard Smith

Leonard Earl ‘Lenny’ Smith, Jr USA 1942-present. Born at Philadelphia, PA, the son of a career Marine Corp father and Catholic mother. The family moved around frequently due to his father’s transfers. They lived in PA, VA, CA, NC, Guam, and finally NJ. He was raised Protestant, though his mother was a devout Catholic. She would drop the children off at a Protestant church at the insistence of her non-religious husband, then attend her own church. When Smith was 12, his father left the family, he then attended the Catholic church with his mother. He wished to prepare for the priesthood and in 1960 studied at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, Menominee, MI, then at Mt St Paul Seminary, Waukesha, WI. and Mt St Mary’s Seminary,… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Splendor and majesty are before You
Title: Splendor and Majesty
Author: Ralph Merrifield (1993 & 1996)
Author: Leonard Smith (1993 & 1996)
Language: English
Notes: Ralph Mer­ri­field wrote: I orig­in­al­ly wrote Splen­dor and Ma­jes­ty in 1993…and mo­di­fied it while nav­i­gat­ing bump­er-to-bump­er com­mut­er traf­fic on Route 128 (just south of Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts)! Brent­wood Mu­sic in Nash­ville showed an ear­ly in­ter­est in the song, but they didn’t have any pro­jects in the works that matched the style. In the Spring of 1996, Len­ny Smith called to see if I’d like to do some co-writ­ing with him (New Hope and New Je­ru­sa­lem Mu­sic hap­pened to be next to each other al­ph­a­bet­ic­al­ly in the CCLI Pub­lish­ers List!) Af­ter lis­ten­ing to all my re­cord­ings, he asked per­mis­sion to re­shape the lyr­ics and mel­o­dy of “Splen­dor and Ma­jes­ty”, and that is how it came to have its cur­rent form.
Copyright: © 1996, New Jerusalem Music, PO Box 225, Clarksboro, NJ 08020 USA


Instances (1 - 1 of 1)

The Cyber Hymnal #6289

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