1 Steps are before me, dear Saviour,
Marking the path thou hast trod;
So would my feet be progressing
Upward and onward to God.
More of thy likeness, dear Saviour,
Less of myself I would see;
Born in thine image, and growing
More and more like unto thee.
2 Daily thy work was appointed,
Wrought by no hand but thine own;
So in my field I would labor,
Tho’ it be small and unknown. [Chorus]
3 Burdens were laid on thy shoulders,
Meekly thou suffered the cross;
So would I take up my trials,
Counting them gain and not loss. [Chorus]
4 Not for thyself, but for others,
Living and dying for love;
So would I daily be spending,
Till I shall meet thee above. [Chorus]
Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #57