Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $17.00 This very creative and useful collection offers pieces in all shapes and sizes. The variety allows for use in a multitude of ways including: introductions, interludes, preludes, postludes, and free a… | |
Piano Violin Medium Difficulty Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $26.95 These setting for violin and keyboard provide a variety of styles and moods for use in worship services, wedding and funerals. The arrangements utilize mostly first and third positions and may be used… | |
Handchimes Handbells File download from Lorenz Publishing $5.95 Tunes associated with the hymns "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" and "Rejoice, the Lord Is King" are scored with confidence and flair. Most of the ringing is on the beat, with only a few easily executed be… | |
Piano Violin Easter Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $32.95 Hymn Settings for Solo Violin and Piano
These inspirational hymn settings are a welcome resource from this talented mother-daughter writing team. Whether for prelude, offertory, postlude or special… | |
Organ Thanksgiving Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 From one of America’s well-known organ composers, we proudly present a remarkable volume of skillful and stylish service music, all designed for those special seasons of the year not usually represe… | |
Organ Thanksgiving File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 From one of America’s well-known organ composers, we proudly present a remarkable volume of skillful and stylish service music, all designed for those special seasons of the year not usually represe… | |
Piano Lent Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $26.95 He Leadeth Me is a multi-composer collection of service music--fourteen pieces in all--covering many moods from celebratory to meditative. You'll find it useful all year long, but compiler David Saran… | |
Piano Lent File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 He Leadeth Me is a multi-composer collection of service music--fourteen pieces in all--covering many moods from celebratory to meditative. You'll find it useful all year long, but compiler David Saran… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $39.00 Now includes a Bonus CD!Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church
musician. His years of leading worship from the console are… | |
Organ Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 "What will I play next Sunday?"--the almost-weekly dilemma of many church organists. This exciting new collection is a treasure--trove of easy organ music that offers simple solutions for this weekly… |