1 Take my little faith and hold it,
Keep it for me, blessed Lord!
May it grow a mighty power,
Firmly rooted in thy word.
Take my all, O Lord, I give it!
Take my all, O Lord, receive it!
Take my all, for I commit it now to thee, to thee!
Take it all, I'm naught withholding!
Take it all, my soul enfolding!
Take the little all that I've committed unto thee!
2 Take my hope and keep it steadfast,
E'en amidst the fiercest gale;
Let me rest in thee, my haven,
Anchored there within the veil. [Chorus]
3 Take my feeble love and fan it
To a mighty, mighty flame;
That it never fail, Lord Jesus,
Write upon me thy new name. [Chorus]
4 Take my heart for thine own dwelling,
May thy Spirit rule and reign;
Then the work thou hast begun there
To thy glory shall remain. [Chorus]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 3 #32