1 The Ancient of eternal days,
Enthron'd in light's celestial blaze,
With shouting thousands comes.
The archangelick trump is blown.
A voice is heard from glory's throne.
The spirit breathes on ev'ry bone;
And rends the cleaving tombs.
2 Now comes the end— the end divine—
See death, and hell, the dead resign
To Christ, who holds the keys:
The judgment sits— the books unfold—
The actions of a world they hold;
And there Omniscience has enroll'd,
Mysterious, high decrees.
3 These books are clos'd.—Then opens wide
The book of life— His book who died
For all: — who rose again:
The writing in Immanuel's blood,
The signet of the wine press trod,
Prevails for guilty man, with God:
A world rewards his pain.
4 Salvation to the Lamb on high,
Salvation is the mighty cry.
The glorious work is done.
Tears, sorrow, death, and anguish dire,
Like visions of the night retire;
And ecstacy awakes the lyre,
To Father, Spirit, Son!
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CXC