1 Th'atoning blood is flowing,
Let all the tidings hear,
The Gospel word is showing
How sinners may draw near.
Th'atoning blood's relieving
The pris'ners from their chains,
And sinners in believing
Lose all their guilty stains.
It is the blood, the precious blood,
It is the blood, the precious blood,
It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
2 Th'atoning blood is saving
Sinners of deepest dye,
The multitudes are having
Free titles to the sky.
Th'atoning blood is healing
The souls that sin hath slain;
Rejoicing saints are feeling
The promis'd latter rain. [Refrain]
3 Th'atoning blood is bringing
Poor lost ones to the fold,
And heav'nly hosts are singing
O'er multitudes untold.
Th'atoning blood is speaking
To ev'ry precious soul
Who is salvation seeking,
'Believe, and be made whole.' [Refrain]
4 Th'atoning blood is staying
The great avenging rod;
While men are still delaying
To yield themselves to God.
Th'atoning blood is sealing
The world's eternal doom;
But, to Thy soul appealing,
Says, 'Lost one, to me come.' [Refrain]
Source: Redemption Songs: a choice collection of 1000 hymns and choruses for evangelistic meetings, solo singers, choirs and the home #84