The lofty heavens proclaim

The lofty heavens proclaim

Tune: BEVAN (Goss)
Published in 1 hymnal

Representative Text

1 The lofty heavens proclaim
the majesty of God;
the firmament displays
his handiwork abroad:
day unto day doth utter speech,
and night to night doth knowledge teach.

2 Aloud they do not speak,
they utter forth no word,
nor into language break;
yet is their witness heard:
their line through all the earth extends,
their words to earth's remotest ends.

3 In them he hath prepared
a dwelling for the sun;
which, as a mighty man,
exults his race to run;
and, bridegroom-like in his array,
comes from his chamber, bringing day.

4 His daily going forth
is from the end of heaven;
the firmament to him
is for his circuit given.
He to its end returns again;
hid from his heat can nought remain.

5 The Lord's law is complete;
it makes the soul arise:
the Lord's decree is sure;
it makes the simple wise:
the statutes of the Lord are right
imparting to the heart delight.

6 The Lord's command is pure;
light on the eyes it pours:
the Lord's fear is unstained,
for ever it endures:
the judgments of the Lord are true,
and altogether righteous, too.

7 More to be prized than gold,
yea, much fine gold, they are,
than honey from the comb
that droppeth, sweeter far.
They also warn thy servant, Lord;
in keeping them is great reward.

8 Who can his errors know?
From secret faults me cleanse:
keep thou thy servant back
from all presumptuous sins
let them not triumph over me;
then shall I pure and upright be.

9 Yea, then I shall be free
from much and heinous sin.
O let the words I speak,
and all my thoughts within,
be acceptable, Lord, to thee,
who strength and Saviour art to me.

Source: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P19d

Text Information

First Line: The lofty heavens proclaim
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


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The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P19d

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