1 The Lord hath made this world of ours
Most beautiful and bright,
The golden sun to rule by day,
The moon and stars by night;
But souls are wand'ring far from him,
In darkened paths astray;
So make me, Saviour, more and more,
A light along the way.
A light along the way,
Make me, dear Lord, I pray;
Love's happy rays show forth thy praise,
A light along the way.
A light along the way,
Make me, dear Lord, I pray;
Love's happy rays
Show forth thy praise,
A light along the way.
2 So many need a helping hand,
A kindly word of cheer,
To tell them of the mighty Friend
Whose grace is always near.
O make me prompt to hear thy voice,
And ready to obey,
That I may be, to saddened hearts,
A light along the way. [Chorus]
3 Some lives shine out like beacons grand,
Some seem but candles small,
But if we truly shine for him,
The Lord hath need of all.
O may his Spirit fill my soul
And lead me, day by day,
That, tho' unworthy, I shall be
A light along the way. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #38