1 The Lord to thy request attend,
and hear thee in distress;
The name of Jacob's God defend,
and grant thy arms success:
2 To aid thee from on high repair,
and strength from Sion give;
3 Remember all thy off'rings there,
thy sacrifice receive:
4 To compass thy own heart's desire
thy counsels still direct;
Make kindly all events conspire
to bring them to effect.
5 To thy salvation, Lord, for aid,
we chearfully repair,
With banners in thy name display'd;
"The Lord accept thy pray'r."
6 Our hopes are fix'd, that now the Lord
our sov'reign will defend;
From Heav'n resistless aid afford,
and to his pray'r attend.
7 Some trust in steeds for war design'd;
on chariots some rely;
Against them all we'll call to mind
the power of God most high.
8 But from their steeds and chariots thrown,
behold them through the plain,
Disorder'd, broke, and trampled down,
whilst firm our troops remain.
9 Still save us, Lord, and still proceed
our rightful cause to bless;
Hear, King of Heav'n, in times of need,
the pray'rs that we address.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship #XX