1 The love of God that boundless sea,
That sweet eternal chain,
Unites the blest eternal three,
To us poor dying men.
2 Without beginning, without end,
We find the love of God;
When we were rebels, here's the friend,
That bought us with his blood.
3 The richest grace, the sweetest love,
Our God our heavenly King,
Leaves all his majesty above,
To wear our guilt and sin.
4 Self-moving goodness, O the theme,
This precious sea of love,
The saints are now a swimming in,
In the bright world above.
5 It fills our souls with wonder here
To contemplate the theme;
What will it be when we appear,
And see as we are seen.
6 Come stretch your wings ye saints below;
Come reach for things above;
The more of God and heav'n we know,
The more our souls will love.
7 Oh how we long to reach the shore,
Where love forever reigns;
And bid farewell forever more,
To sin and satan's chains.
8 Then we begin the living song,
Grace, grace to it we cry;
Both the foundation and top stoe,
In grace cemented lie.
5 It fills our souls with wonder here
To contemplate the theme;
What will it be when we appear,
And see as we are seen.
Source: Hymns on Various Subjects #1