1 The man who once has found abode,
within the secret place of God
shall with Almighty God abide,
and in his shadow safely hide.
2 I therefore of the Lord will say,
he is my refuge and my stay;
my citadel of strength is he —
My God in whom my trust shall be.
3 For he shall with his watchful care
preserve thee from the fowler's snare;
yea, he shall be thy sure defense
against the deadly pestilence.
4 His outspread pinions shall thee hide,
beneath his wings shalt thou confide.
His faithfulness shall ever be
a shield and buckler unto thee.
5 No nightly terrors shall alarm,
no deadly shaft by day shall harm;
nor pestilence that walks by night,
nor plagues that waste in noonday light.
6 Because his angels he commands
to bear thee safely in their hands,
to guard thy ways, lest left alone,
thou dash thy foot against a stone.
7 "Because he set his love on Me,
from danger I will set him free.
Because to him My name is known,
On high I'll set him as Mine own."
Source: Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #90