1 The praises of the heav’nly King,
No tongue can ever fully sing;
By His commands the world was made,
The caverns of the deep were laid.
He formed the sky,
He holds the world within His hands.
He made the gleaming worlds on high,
That light the pathways of the sky;
His glance can sweep the ocean’s space,
Or search the farthest place,
And unto man by Him was giv’n
The likeness of the King of heav’n.
The praises of the heav’nly King,
No tongue can ever fully sing;
By His commands the world was made,
The caverns of the deep were laid.
He formed the sky,
He holds the world within His hands.
2 So great is God, so good and wise,
His glory fills the earth and skies;
Beneath the strength of His control,
The seasons o’er us swiftly roll.
Though years may pass,
To Him they are as but a day.
He made the gleaming worlds on high,
That light the pathways of the sky;
His glance can sweep the ocean’s space,
Or search the farthest place,
And unto man by Him was giv’n
The likeness of the King of heav’n.
So great is God, so good and wise,
His glory fills the earth and skies;
Beneath the strength of His control,
The seasons o’er us swiftly roll.
Though years may pass,
To Him they are as but a day.
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #100