1 The Prodigal's return'd,
The Sinner last is found;
He who was late an Heir of Wrath,
Is now with mercy crown'd.
2 His Soul has long been dead,
In Trespasses and Sin;
But now in Christ, through Power divine,
He's quick'ned, just, and clean.
3 The Angels raise their Voice,
And hail the Sinner home;
And all the Saints of God rejoice,
To see the Wand'rer come.
4 Jesus with open Arms,
Him freely doth embrace;
And, lo, the Prodigal believes,
He now is sav'd by Grace.
5 By Grace without his Work,
Amazing Love indeed!
Him Jesus reconcil'd to God,
By suff'ring in his stead.
6 The Heavens wond'ring stand,
But still with fury burns;
Whilst joyful to his Father's House,
The Prodigal returns.
7 The Father sees afar,
The Prodigal return;
constrain'd by Love he runs to meet
His late rebellious Son.
8 His trembling Child he hears,
His num'rous Sins confess;
And freely pard'ning, covers all,
In pity and in Grace.
9 Each Servant of the Lord,
With Joy and Mirth abound;
For he who once was lost and dead,
Is now alive, and found.
10 The fatted Calf is slain,
The Lamb is crucify'd;
The Robe of Righteousness is brought,
His Nakedness to hide.
11 The Ring is on him put,
(Earnest of Joys above,)
Salvation now adorns his Feet,
And all his Soul is Love.
12 He leans on Jesus' Breast,
Forgetting all his Pain;
With him he enters into Rest;
He now is born again.
13 He rolls his Soul in Love,
And drinks true Pleasure in;
And says to others, now I prove,
My Soul is sav'd from Sin.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs: intended for the edification of sincere Christians of all denominations #XVII