1 The Savior calls; let ev'ry ear
Attend the heav'nly sound.
O doubting souls, dismiss your fear;
Hope smiles reviving round.
2 For every thirsty, longing heart
Here streams of bounty flow
And life and health and bliss impart
To banish mortal woe.
3 Here springs of sacred pleasures rise
To ease your every pain,
Immortal fountain, full supplies:
Nor shall you thirst in vain.
4 O sinners, come, hear mercy’s voice;
The gracious call obey;
Mercy invites to heav'nly joys,
And can you yet delay?
5 Dear Savior, draw reluctant hearts;
To you let sinners fly
And take the bliss your love imparts,
Revive, and never die.
Source: Lutheran Worship #350