1 The Savior meets his flock to day,
Shall I in sloth abide at home?
Shall I behind the people stay?
When Jesus calls there still is room,
I'll go--it is a place of pray'r,
Who knows but God may meet me there?
2 To day Immanuel feeds his saints,
And her the Christians find their King--
They lay open their complaints,
And her the Savior's praise they sing;
Into their number I'll presume,
Since Jesus kindly bids me come.
3 How long did faithful Anna wait,
And sought the Lord full four score years,
Both day and night, at th' temple gate;
She watch'd with many sighs and tears,
And scarcely left the house of pray'r
Till God vouchsaf'd to meet her there.
4 Dear Savior, then permit me pow'r,
And like the saints I'll watch for thee,
Content till the appointed hour,
When thou shalt be reveal'd in me;
Daily my soul within thy date,
Shall for thy gracious presence wait.
5 Remove temptation, O my Lord,
And let my enemies be slain,
Who would withdraw me from thy word,
And plunge me in the world again;
And when the Bridegroom shall appear,
O may my soul be found in pray'r
Source: Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs, for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians: being a collection #LXXXII