1 The sons of earth delight
To spread their fame abroad,
To glory in their worth and might;
But such are not of God.
2 The heavenly word declares,
And faithful is the word,
That Israel’s seed, the royal heirs,
Shall glory in the Lord.
3 In Jesus they shall trust;
From first to last each one,
Through Jesus, shall be counted just,
And boast in him alone.
4 Amen! the word is good;
My trust is in his name;
I have redemption through his blood,
And I will shout his fame.
5 [He hears my sad complaints,
And heals old wounds and new;
Hosanna to the King of saints;
His ways are just and true!
6 His worth I love to tell,
And wish the world to know;
And where the Son is honoured well,
The Father’s honoured too.]
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #114