Praise of God's glory as voiced by the heavens and discerned in God's life-enriching and sweet-tasting law.
Scripture References:
st. 1 = vv. 1-6
st. 2= vv. 7-11
st. 3 = vv. 12-14
Psalm 19 appears to have been fashioned as a praise offering. The author has reflected long on the "voice" of God heard in the heavenly display of God's glory and in the covenant statutes given to Israel. These statutes are the good, righteous, and pure commandments that nourish life, gladden the heart, enlighten the eyes, and are sweet to the taste. Such reflection moves the psalmist and us to voice our appreciation of God's glory proclaimed in the heavens (st. 1) and of God's law, full of choice benefits (st. 2). We then pray that neither hidden nor willful sins may alienate us from God and that God will accept our sacrifice of praise (st. 3).
Helen Otte (PHH 17) versified this psalm in 1985 for the Psalter Hymnal. Another setting of Psalm 19 is found at 429.
Liturgical Use:
Beginning of worship; during service of confession and consecration; frequently sung for Epiphany and Easter.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook