1 There are souls to save, souls of young and old,
Wand’ring far from God, from the Shepherd’s fold;
They have stray’d away in the paths of sin,
These are they whom for us it is wise to win.
Bring them in, O let us bring them in,
For the Saviour tells us it is wise to win
Precious souls for whom He died
From the crooked paths of sin.
2 What a gracious work precious souls to save!
Since the Lord Himself the commission gave
From the snares of death and the ways of sin,
By His help, each of us may the lost one win. [Refrain]
3 Then in that great day, when before His throne
We shall stand with those whom the Lord will own,
We shall hear Him say unto us, “Well done,
There’s a crown, there’s a robe for the souls you’ve won.” [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #105