There Is a Refuge

There is a refuge, sweet, secure

Author: Ida L. Reed
Tune: [There is a refuge, sweet, secure]
Published in 4 hymnals

Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 There is a refuge, sweet, secure,
For ev’ry burdened soul,
In Jesus’ love it standeth sure,
Tho’ heavy tempests roll
Across the breast, they cannot harm,
If thou to Him wilt go,
Protected by His mighty arm,
Full safety thou shalt know.

2 When danger threatens, thou canst fly
Unto this stronghold free;
When unto Him thy soul shall cry,
He’ll help and comfort thee,
He’ll keep thee safe with His hand,
And never let thee go;
Firm by His grace thy feet shall stand,
Joy-springs for thee shall flow.

3 There is a refuge, peaceful, calm,
In Jesus’ love ‘tis found,
And there each heart shall find a balm
For ev’ry blessing wound,
For ev’ry burden ev’ry pain,
There waits a sweet release,
And thou with Him in heav’n shall reign,
In everlasting peace.

Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #116

Author: Ida L. Reed

Ida Lilliard Reed (Smith), 1865-1951 Born: November 30, 1865, near Ar­den, Bar­bour Coun­ty, West Vir­gin­ia. Died: Ju­ly 8, 1951, Ar­den, West Vir­gin­ia. Buried: Eb­e­nez­er Meth­odi­st Church, Ar­den, West Vir­gin­ia. Reed is said to have writ­ten 2,000 hymns in her life­time. In 1939, the Amer­i­can So­ci­e­ty of Com­pos­ers, Au­thors and Pub­lish­ers re­cog­nized her "sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tion to Amer­i­can mu­sic" by award­ing her a small "week­ly bo­nus." © The Cyber Hymnal™ ( Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: There is a refuge, sweet, secure
Title: There Is a Refuge
Author: Ida L. Reed
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 4 of 4)

Melodies of Salvation #d158

Page Scan

Melodies of Salvation #116

TextAudioPage Scan

Melodies of Salvation #116

Page Scan

Songs of Love and Praise No. 3 #64

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