1 There, sheltered from the wolves and cold,
Dear little lambs within the fold,
Are watched with more than shepherd’s care,
No harm befalls the weakest there.
Sweet darling on thy mother’s knee,
Sleeping as sleeps a wave at sea.
Rocked on the billows of her breast,
Thy sleep emblems thy future rest.
2 There is an angel in the room,
Whose presence, like the starry bloom
Of Heaven, radiates the light,
As though the sun arose at night.
That angel whispered to the child,
And then the little cherub smiled,
It told the sinless babe to fly
To realms of beauty in the sky.
3 The angel vanished, and a cloud
Came with a coffin and a shroud,
But Heaven, reflected in a tear,
Displayed a white wing hovering near.
So let us live that we may all
Find soft wings on our shoulders fall;
There’s room enough for all above,
For Heaven is vast as boundless love.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9291