1 There’s a call of triumph ringing where our starry banner flies,
There are shouts of exultation that from loyal lips arise;
For the nation’s youths are singing, as they lift their shining eyes,
“Our country and our God, Our country and our God.”
“Our country and our God,
Our country and our God.”
No foe can withstand such a cry from such a band,
“Our country and our God!”
2 In the glow of youthful beauty, in the flush of youthful pride,
They have gathered round their banner, they have rallied round their guide;
As a joy and as a duty, they are singing far and wide,
“Our country and our God, Our country and our God.” [Refrain]
3 Thro’ our whole beloved nation, east and west, from shore to shore,
May there be that one glad watch cry, may it echo o’er and o’er;
In the union of salvation, may we sing for evermore,
“Our country and our God, Our country and our God.” [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #156