1 There’s a robe that I shall wear when I pass from earth,
Thro’ the starlit realms of space,
When the messenger of God shall my spirit bear
To its real abiding place.
When Jesus lays the robe of His righteousness over me, over me,
There’s nothing that I’ll need, more,
But I’ll enter the open door,
When Jesus lays the robe of His righteousness over me, over me,
His mercy I’ll praise thro’ endless days
For saving a sinner like me.
2 ‘Tis a robe of righteousness woven not by me,
But by Him whose name I bear,
There will be no stain of sin on its priceless folds,
Nor a blemish anywhere. [Refrain]
3 When that robe is over me ‘tis no longer I
But the Christ of Calvary,
And when I approach the throne, having naught to plead,
He will lay it over me. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Praise and Power 1-2-3 Combined #151