1 There’s no shadow in the valley, ‘tis no longer lone and chill,
When our blessed Jesus comes to meet us there;
If his rod and staff be with us, then our souls shall fear no ill,
And around us shall encamp his angels fair.
There’s no shadow in the valley,
Leaning on our Saviour there;
There’s no shadow in the valley,
Passing to the mansions fair.
2 There’s no shadow in the valley when the glory-light shines thro’,
When the bright and pearly gates shall open wide,
And the golden harps of heaven will ring out a welcome true,
When we enter in the city to abide. [Refrain]
3 There’s no shadow in the valley, since the Saviour passed that way;
Still the Light of Life is shining for his own;
He will chase away the darkness, he will turn the night to day,
Till we stand before the rainbow-circled throne. [Refrain]
Source: Glorious Praise: specially prepared for use in the prayer meeting, the church service, the young people's meetings, the Sunday school, the evangelistic and other religious gatherings #111