1. This blessèd night we seek Your throne
In awe and wonder at that birth:
The Child of Bethlehem who brought
God’s grace and love back down to earth.
2. Joseph and Mary, chosen ones,
As parents to Your only Son,
In faith they trudged those weary miles
In order that Your will be done.
3. Then shepherds, high in fields above
The manger in a lowly shed,
Heard angel messengers sing out
Their Peace on Earth, good will to men.
4. Wrapped round in cloths they found the Babe
Lying at rest upon the hay.
It was for us this Child was born
And brought to us God’s bright new day.
5. Eternal hope for all mankind!
The price of sin You chose to pay!
O Babe of Heaven, we sing Your praise
And at Your feet our hearts we lay!
6. O grant us now, dear Lord, we pray,
That we might serve You as we ought.
Teach us to yield our wills to Yours
And live in peace as we’ve been taught.