1 This world is not a place for gloom,
While sunshine lights the morning sky,
While blossoms store their sweet perfume
For ev’ry one who passes by.
Then let not grief your heart beguile,
Meet ev’ry trouble with a smile;
Are any sad go make them glad,
And live in sunshine all the while.
2 This world is not a place for wrong
While God’s dear hand is over all;
Go meet your sorrow with a song,
And nothing evil shall befall. [Refrain]
3 This world is not a place for tears
While Jesus comforts those who weep;
Let hope and joy replace your fears
His watchful care your ways will keep. [Refrain]
4 This world is not a place for sin,
For shame, or sorrow, or despair,
While Jesus’ blood can make us clean,
While He will all our burdens bear. [Refrain]
Source: The King of Kings: a choice collection of gospel songs, standard hymns, choruses, children's songs, solos, duets, and quartets together with responsive readings for use in evangelistic meetings... #8