1 Those that do place their confidence
upon the Lord our God only,
And flee to him for their defence
in all their need and misery,
Their faith is sure still to endure
grounded on Christ the corner-stone;
Mov'd with no ill, but standeth still
stedfast like to the mount Sion.
2 And as about Jerusalem
the mighty hills do it compass,
So that no foes can come to them,
to hurt that town in any case:
So God indeed in every need,
his faithful people doth defend,
Standing them by assuredly
from this time forth world without end.
3 Right wise and good is our Lord God,
and will not suffer certainly
The sinner's and ungodly's rod
to rest upon his family,
Lest they also from God should stray,
falling to sin and wickedness:
O Lord, defend both night and day
thy little flock, and with them still bless.
4 O Lord, do good to Christians all
that stedfast in thy word abide:
But such as from the Lord do fall,
and to false doctrine daily slide.
Them will the Lord scatter abroad,
with hypocrites thrown down to hell;
God will them send pains without end;
But (Lord) grant peace to Israel.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms #CXXVb