1 Thou Lord, art good, not only good,
But prompt to pardon too;
Of plenteous mercy to all those,
Who for thy mercy sue.
2 To my repeated humble pray'r,
O Lord, attentive be!
When troubled, I on thee will call,
For thou wilt answer me.
3 Among the Gods there's none like thee,
O Lord, alone divine!
To thee as much inferiour they,
As are their works to thine.
4 Therefore their great Creator, thee,
The nations shall adore;
Their long misguided pray'rs and praise
To thy blest name restore.
5 All shall confess thee great, and great
The wonders thou hast done;
Confess thee God, the God supreme,
Confess thee God alone.
Source: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #P.XIX