1. Thou, Lord, thy land hast favor shown;
And back thy captive Jacob led.
2. Thy people's guilt hast lifted off;
And all their sin hast covered.
3. Thou all thine anger hast removed;
Thy flaming wrath thou dost appease.
4. Turn us, O our salvation's God;
And let thine anger wholly cease.
5. Wilt, thou, with us, be angry still?
Through ages shall thy wrath remain?
6. Wilt thou not us again revive
That we may joy in thee regain?
7. Jehovah, graciously appear,
And tender pity to us show;
All the salvation which we need,
Upon us bounteously bestow.
Second Part
8. I'll wait to hear what God will say,
For to his people he'll speak peace,
And to his saints; but let not them
Return again to foolishness.
9. To them that fear his sacred name,
Sure, his salvation's near at hand;
That the ancient glory may return,
And firmly settle in our land.
10. Mercy, and truth, shall friendly meet;
Justice, and peace, kindly embrace
11. Truth springs from the earth, while righteousness
From heaven looks down with smiling face,
12. Yea, what is good the Lord will give;
Our land it's yearly fruits display.
13. Before him, righteousness shall march;
And guide our steps in his just way.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752