1 Thou sov'reign, great almighty God!
From none but thee my Lord alone,
My soul can be with grace endow'd,
To know thy will that should be done.
2 May I with reverence and fear!
As I am by thy precepts taught,
Perform the office I do bear,
Be true and faithful as I ought.
3 Give me to know and understand
The charge committed to my trust;
And when I have to give command:
May they be none but what are just.
4 My duty I shall best fulfil,
And best defend my country's cause:
When first I shall have learnt thy will,
And live according to thy laws.
5 As faithful heroes were of old,
Such as the Lord himself had chose':
Submissive, humble, stout and bold,
Who banish'd great and mighty foes.
6 Like such as they, pray let me be!
Possess'd with such a godly mind;
A faithful servant unto thee,
And to thy blessed will resign'd.
7 O make me wise to keep in view!
Thy holy will and righteous ways,
And in my office strive to do,
All to thy honour and thy praise.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCXXV