1 Thou, whose awak'ning word,
Stars of the morning heard,
And sang for joy
Spirit of heav'nly grace,
Draw nigh to bless the place,
While pray'r and song and praise
Our hearts employ.
2 Thine is the glorious sky,
Thine are the hosts on high,
Thine earth and sea;
Thine be this people now,
Who in Thy presence bow,
Bringing, with solemn vow,
Off'rings to Thee.
3 Not with Thy thunders loud,
Peeling thro' fire and cloud,
This temple fill;
But as in Bethlehem,
When holy angels came,
Make known Thy glorious name,
Peace and good will.
4 Oh, may Thy name resound
The spacious world around,
O'er land and sea;
Till with angelic throngs,
Tuning harmonious tongues,
All nations lift their songs
In praise to Thee.
Source: International Song Service: with Bright Gems from fifty authors, for Sunday-schools, gospel meetings, missionary and young people's societies, prayer-meetings, etc. #14