1 Tho’ I speak with tongues of angels,
And my faith could mountains move,
And the poor receive my bounty,
All is nothing without love.
Charity that is long suff’ring,
And is kind to all around,
Love that gladly sees another
With prosperity abound.
2 Love is neither proud nor haughty,
But regards her neighbor’s right,
Is not quickly moved to anger,
In no evil takes delight—
Always in the truth rejoicing,
For the truth can all things bear;
Constantly believing, hoping,
Ever watching unto prayer.
3 And tho’ all things else are fleeting,
Charity shall never fail;
Tongues shall cease and knowledge vanish,
Christian love within the veil
Shall shine forth with added glory
In that high and holy place,
Where we shall be like our Savior,
When we see Him face to face.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12537