1 Tho' oft mine eyes with wondering gaze
The works of God may see,
No work can e'er with this compare;
Jesus has died for me.
For Jesus died for me,
He groaned upon the tree,
I daily to his cross will flee
For Jesus died for me.
2 When burdened with a sense of sin,
I to his cross will flee,
And plead for grace and peace within,
For Jesus died for me. [Chorus]
3 The world may lure me with its smiles,
Its shallowness I see,
Its snares shall ne'er my soul beguile,
Since Jesus died for me. [Chorus]
4 On God I'll cast my ev'ry care,
To him I'll bow the knee,
To him my ev'ry want declare,
For Jesus died for me. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #121