1. Thrice blest the man, whose thoughtful mind
The needy doth regard;
With safety in the evil day
The Lord will him reward.
2. From dangers he'll preserve his life,
On earth he blest shall be;
And none of all his spiteful foes,
On him, their will shall see.
3. Upon his bed of languishing,
The Lord will strength supply;
In sickness kindly turn his bed,
That he may easy lie.
4. "O Lord, be merciful to me,"
(I thus myself express'd)
"And heal my wounded soul, for I
Against thee have transgressed."
5. Mine enemies, maliciously,
With slanders me defame;
In wrath, they say, "When shall he die,
And perish shall his name?"
6. If e'er he comes to visit me,
His speech is clothed with fraud;
He gathers evil to his heart,
Then spreads it all abroad.
Second Part
7. Who hate me whisper evil things,
And do my hurt devise.
8. "His crimes have caught him fast,"(say they)
"He's fallen, no more to rise."
9. Yea, my familiar friend, from whom
I nothing could conceal,
Who ate my bread, yet basely has
Against me lift his heel.
10. But thou, O Lord, be merciful
To me, I humbly pray;
And raise me up, that I their crimes,
With justice, may repay.
11. That me thou favor'st as thou said'st
By this I surely know;
Because to triumph over me,
Thou suffer'st not my foe.
12. For, as for me, thou dost uphold
Me, in mine innocence
Thou settest me before thy face,
Art ever my defense.
13. The Lord, the God of Israel's house,
Be blessed by sons of men,
From age to age, till time's no more.
Amen! O Lord, Amen!
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752