Display Title: Christ's Inheritance First Line: Thus hath said the Lord most high Tune Title: [Thus hath said the Lord most high] Scripture: Psalm 2:5-9 Date: 1901 Subject: Blessedness | Of Those Who Trust Christ; Christ | Exaltation; Christ | Godhead of; Christ | Power of; Christ | Worshiped; Church | Christ the Head of; Civil Magistracy | ; Godly Fear | Described; Godly Fear | Exhorted to; Missions | Encouragements; Nations | Owe Allegiance to Christ; Praise | Calls to; Prayer | Promises to; Royalty of Christ | Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ | Divinely Conferred; Royalty of Christ | Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ | Nations His Subjects; Rulers | Duties of; The Wicked | Fate of
Bible Songs #4a