Thus saith the high and lofty One,
Inhabiting eternity;
Earth is My footstool, Heaven My throne,
What temple will ye build for Me?
Restore Me now Mine own.
Behold the temple of My choice;
My dwelling is the humble soul;
To make the broken heart rejoice,
The wounded spirit to make whole;
Then hearken to My voice.
Here, O Thou high and lofty One,
Bow down Thine heavens to dwell with me;
Here plant Thy footstool, raise Thy throne,
Rebuild Thy fallen sanctuary;
I yield Thee back Thine own.
Behold the temple of Thy choice,
Eternity within my soul;
Now make the broken heart rejoice,
The wounded spirit now make whole;
Lord! I have heard Thy voice.
Sacred Poems and Hymns