1 Thy grace dear Saviour let me feel
And know my sins forgiv'n;
O stamp me with thy Spirit' seal!
To fit my soul for heav'n.
2 My pardon sealed with thy blood
Will set my soul at rest;
To know that I am born of God,
Would make my truly blest.
3 Grant me a true and living faith,
In this, my fatal hour,
When I must feel the stroke of death
With all its weight and pow'r.
4 O may my trust in thee not fail,
But ever firmly stand;
That passing through the gloomy vale,
I reach the happy land.
5 And when this present life is o'er,
Then take me to thy home,
Where I shall be distress'd no more
And death can never come.
6 May angels bear my soul away,
To where my Saviour reigns,
Where neither death nor Satan may
Afflict my soul again.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCXXIII