1 ’Tis simple faith that breaks the power
And sets us free from sin,
’Tis simple faith unlocks the gate
Of Heav’n and lets us in.
Fully believing, always receiving,
Blessing we ask of the Lord;
Gifts without measure,
Poured from His treasure—
Answers to faith in His word.
2 Just simple faith in Christ will save
The humblest trembling soul;
There’s none so poor, and none so sick,
But He will make them whole. [Refrain]
3 By simple faith we bring to Him,
Not wondrous words of prayer,
But humbly bring a contrite heart,
And trust, and leave it there. [Refrain]
4 Thus simple faith and perfect love
Shall lift my soul so high,
’Twill give a crown the stars above,
A home beyond the sky. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #2088